Awarded ‘Plastic Free Approved Status’ by Surfers Against Sewage

The Wild Dyery just became a 'Plastic-Free Champion'

I met with Rebekah Gillmore from Surfers Against Sewage today to discuss ways The Wild Dyery can reduce our use of planetary resources, specifically single-use plastics. I had already structured the company with sustainable ethics in mind so had addressed many issues but as plastic is such an ubiquitous substance, there were some changes we identified that mean we've been awarded 'Plastic Free Approved Status'.

Who are Surfers Against Sewage?

SAS are an environmental charity focussing on the preservation of healthy oceans worldwide. From their website, "We’re a community dedicated to the protection of oceans, waves, beaches and wildlife.  We fight long and hard to protect what we love and we won’t stop until it’s completely clean, safe and protected for everyone, forever."

Recently my social media has been full of news about their North West representative, Becks as she single-handedly brings this charity...

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Re-Wild Your Wardrobe for Fashion Revolution Week

Over the last few years I've become increasingly aware of the "high cost of cheap fashion" and whilst developing our online training in natural fabric dyeing, I started researching ways I could contribute to a much needed change.

We all love a bargain but following the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse in 2013 when over 1000 people lost their lives due to unsafe working conditions, many of us started to understand just how our demand for cheap clothing and 'retail therapy' had deadly consequences, mainly for women in less affluent countries.

On April 24, 2013, an eight storey clothing factory in Rana Plaza, Bangladesh, collapsed killing 1,134 workers and injuring 2500. The building had been unsafe and in a state of disrepair yet because of the demand for cheap labour and fast fashion, the building owners ignored warnings and forced workers to carry on.

2013 Savar building collapse, Bangladesh. On Wednesday, 24 April 2013 in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka,...

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Volunteers wanted to re-WILD Wirral

This year, I am working on a community project called ‘Re-Wild Wirral’ to help raise awareness about sustainable alternatives to buying cheap, fast fashion. I’m encouraging people to love their clothing a little longer by up-cycling it using locally foraged plant dyes and colourful food waste and if you live locally, you're invited to join in!

Do you have an old, white (or pale) cotton T-shirt that’s been languishing in the back of your wardrobe? Are you willing to join a multi-coloured group of other volunteers for a photo shoot on Sunday 22nd April 2018? If so, would you like me to re-dye and pattern your T-shirt using the botanical colours our ancestors used and shibori tie-dye patterns, for free?

This project is a form of creative activism running in collaboration with the international ‘Fashion Revolution’ event this April. This organisation campaigns for a safer, cleaner fashion industry.

(Images © Fashion Revolution ...

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Workshop Schedule 2017

I’ve just updated The Wild Dyery’s EVENTS PAGE with all our live workshops next year. It’s very exciting getting everything planned out but the major event, our exciting new online home study course isn’t included just yet as it’s still under wraps… we’ll announce more next week… not long to wait!

In the meantime, visit the events page for first choice on workshops next year. There will be 6 Indigo Socials, 5 Eco-Colour (formerly called Eco-Spectrum) and 3 Eco-Printing workshops plus our amazing Ayurvastra retreat. Places are limited to 14 for full day workshops and 8 for the evening Indigo Socials so there are only a small number of people who will be able to train with us next year and these places will fill up fast.

If you’d like to gift a workshop to a loved one for Christmas, we can prepare a beautiful ticket so you have something to wrap or put in a card. Just CONTACT US to arrange the perfect gift for the crafty...

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‘GRAND’ Opening of The Wild Dyery

Come and celebrate with a glass of cheap fizz!

Actually, I've been hoarding champagne since my 40th (not that long ago btw!) so if you time your arrival right you may end up with a glass of the real stuff.

I'm thrilled to invite you to the 'Grand' Opening of The Wild Dyery on Bank Holiday Monday 30th May from 12pm - 4pm.

The new studio is in the courtyard of Carr Farm Garden Centre, Birkenhead Road, Great Meols, Wirral, CH47 9RE, UK.

I'll be there showcasing my own new work along with a really exciting selection of other artisans all working with sustainable materials.

Hope to see you there and as people have been asking whether I'd like studio warming gifts can I just say that's very kind but not necessary. If you really feel inclined then can I instead suggest donations of:-

* onion skins
* avocado pits and skins
* eucalyptus leaves and small branches
* oak galls
* dark coloured dried flowers e.g. old bunches of roses
* unwanted vintage white tablecloths or doilies (natural fibres...

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We’re part of the Wirral Open Studios Tour

Live Indigo Shibori (tie-dye) demonstrations

The Wild Dyery are taking part in this years Wirral Open Studios Tour.

Visit a working fabric dye studio and have a go at natural indigo dyeing whilst learning ancient shibori (tie-dye) pattern technqiues. Justine will be giving demonstrations and offering drop-in workshops from 11am - 5pm on Saturday 11th June and 11am - 4pm on Sunday 12th June. Bring your own washed out (small) item of clothing or textiles e.g. T shirt to upcycle or buy a blank tea towel or tote bag on the day.

Use of natural indigo dye vat = £5
Blank tea towel/tote bag = £5

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The Wild Dyery & Natural Crafts Studio coming soon!

No sooner had I said out loud that I wanted to run a centre of excellence for natural fabric dyeing, a studio come shop come workshop space, than I found one, rented it and within a week found myself decorating and moving in!

It's timely really because if I spill dye down our cream painted kitchen cupboards again I'll probably find myself divorced! Things have got so busy lately that there are dye pans all over our garden decking and drain pipes stacked by the dining table. We won't talk about the indigo drops on our wooden work top because I don't think anyone's noticed them yet.

So, perfect that I should walk into Carr Farm Garden Centre to visit Christine at Voirrey Embroidery and happen to notice an empty unit. The Courtyard at Carr Farm is really quaint with lots of little sandstone cottages and outbuildings that are currently being renovated. I had a quick word with the boss, had a minor panic attack and rush of...

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