‘GRAND’ Opening of The Wild Dyery

Come and celebrate with a glass of cheap fizz!

Actually, I've been hoarding champagne since my 40th (not that long ago btw!) so if you time your arrival right you may end up with a glass of the real stuff.

I'm thrilled to invite you to the 'Grand' Opening of The Wild Dyery on Bank Holiday Monday 30th May from 12pm - 4pm.

The new studio is in the courtyard of Carr Farm Garden Centre, Birkenhead Road, Great Meols, Wirral, CH47 9RE, UK.

I'll be there showcasing my own new work along with a really exciting selection of other artisans all working with sustainable materials.

Hope to see you there and as people have been asking whether I'd like studio warming gifts can I just say that's very kind but not necessary. If you really feel inclined then can I instead suggest donations of:-

* onion skins
* avocado pits and skins
* eucalyptus leaves and small branches
* oak galls
* dark coloured dried flowers e.g. old bunches of roses
* unwanted vintage white tablecloths or doilies (natural fibres only)

ha! I bet that's a first : )


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