Volunteers wanted to re-WILD Wirral

This year, I am working on a community project called ‘Re-Wild Wirral’ to help raise awareness about sustainable alternatives to buying cheap, fast fashion. I’m encouraging people to love their clothing a little longer by up-cycling it using locally foraged plant dyes and colourful food waste and if you live locally, you're invited to join in!

Do you have an old, white (or pale) cotton T-shirt that’s been languishing in the back of your wardrobe? Are you willing to join a multi-coloured group of other volunteers for a photo shoot on Sunday 22nd April 2018? If so, would you like me to re-dye and pattern your T-shirt using the botanical colours our ancestors used and shibori tie-dye patterns, for free?

This project is a form of creative activism running in collaboration with the international ‘Fashion Revolution’ event this April. This organisation campaigns for a safer, cleaner fashion industry.

(Images © Fashion Revolution ...

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