Open Call: for artists/makers using natural fibres and plant dyes

OPEN CALL: are you a textile artist or maker producing beautiful work using natural fibres and plant dyes? Do you have or know of any exquisite dye journals, gardens or clothing? Are you a natural dye enthusiast who knows where to find the world’s finest practitioners of natural dyeing? The Wild Dyery will soon be showcasing the very best examples and would appreciate you contacting us via our contact page, sharing this message with those who may be interested in being featured or messaging with a link to yours or your favourite artist/makers website.

p.s. the samples in the picture are from my dye journal. Background, unmordanted wool gauze + woad, top stripe, mordanted wool gauze + woad and bottom stripe, mordanted silk + woad : )

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call for artists!

A Celebration of Ethical Textiles

From the Earth Textiles are organising an exciting new event taking place next year.

"From the Earth is an event which is planned to take place in June 2016. Its aim is to promote ethical textile practices in the broadest sense, through the use of natural dyes and printing processes, natural fabrics and fibres, with particular reference to those produced in ethical ways, upcycling and incorporating other natural materials and ‘found’ items.

Currently, a month long exhibition is planned at the lovely PS Arts Centre, Datchworth, Herts. In addition to this, we are putting together a series of associated workshops by well known textile practitioners which will be held at nearby ArtVanGo in Knebworth."

The amazing Jenny Dean who featured in our first interview will open the exhibition and eco-print guru India Flint will be offering a workshop from 13th-17th June which is sure to book up fast.

From the Earth also have a Facebook page where...

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