Announcing 2019 online training dates…

Our *NEW* 2019 online training dates are:-

Module 1: Colour - Mon 4th Feb - Sat 2nd Mar 2019 

Module 2: Print - Mon 3rd - Sat 29th June 2019 

Module 3: Pattern - Mon 7th Oct - Sat 2nd Nov 2019

Thanks to everyone who has been enquiring by email and social media about next year's online workshop dates and apologies for keeping everyone waiting! I'm happy to announce that registration has just opened with a FLASH SALE.

If you're one of the first lucky 50 students to book all three modules using the code: NFDFLASH150 you'll pay just £449 rather than the usual price for all three of £599 until midnight on 11th November 2018. That's a saving of £150 for the first to sign up! This offer is likely to get snapped up very quickly so please take advantage of it as soon as you can.

After 11:11:18 you can still get an Early Bird Discount until midnight on 31:12:18 by using code: NFD123EB

Paying instalments...

If you need to split the cost, you can also pay in instalments until midnight on 31st December 2018 for next year's modules.


 Gives you a solid foundation of core skills necessary to practice natural fabric dyeing safely and successfully as either a hobby or profession. In this first 4 week module there’s a rich mix of…
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Next start date: Mon 3rd June 2019
After understanding the theory and practice of natural colour creation in the first module, Module 2 offers you a chance to begin deepening your connection to your materials by foraging for local dye plants to use in unique fabric and paper eco prints…
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Next start date: Mon 7th Oct 2019
After grounding your practice in the core skills of Module 1, then relinquishing control by co-creating with nature in Module 2, Module 3 progresses your development by harnessing both the science and serendipity of plant dyes as you…
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Give back while enjoying the wild beauty of natural colour...

Natural fabric dyeing is a call to the wild for anyone who wants to celebrate and protect our incredible planet whilst creating beautiful textiles. Now more than ever Mother Nature needs us to step up and take action. Your membership fee will include a donation to TreeSisters: Women Seeding Change who are working tirelessly to reforest the lungs of the Earth. By learning about the wild colours of nature, you'll be connecting deeply with that which sustains you whilst planting trees which will help combat our current environmental crisis.

This is a wonderful form of creative activism that benefits you and the planet. Sign up today and remember that Flash Sale discount code: NFDFLASH150 for the first lucky few to sign up before 11th November 2018.

Will you be one of the lucky 50?


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