Nothing was wasted. Following the cooking, the bundles were left to cool before we slowly undid our twine, winding it round a pebble collected and gifted to us by India ready for use next time. Even simple string can become special to the process when used and re-used mindfully.
India's work is so intrinsically linked to nature that an important part of the workshop was getting outside to gather materials. For me, as a busy working mother, to get away on a solo adventure is rare and to walk anywhere on my own without dogs/kids/husband has become unusual, even a little uncomfortable. Prior to children and marriage I had travelled around America on my own so noticing my discomfort highlighted how I've changed in the last 17 years. I may have become a little institutionalised... I may need to reclaim some independence now the children are older...
Being given space and time to walk and ponder outside, by myself was therapeutic and I did enjoy my chip batch overlooking the Forth of Tay.
We used mud from the river as a mordant due to its salt content, finger painting to see if it would intensify the colour extraction. Our silk scrim had been appliquéd and embroidered with a word or mantra. Mine was 'unity'. The fabric was to be folded and stitched into a bag to hold our silky merino scarves. The Japanese maple leaf I found along the river made a great print.
There's an earthy charm to the resulting textiles. If you have an eye for contemporary fabrics and colour trends you might be challenged both by the organic palette and the unpredictable essence of this art. There's no prescribing or predicting your results to fulfil consumer demand which questions notions about viability or value on the commercial market and for me therein lies the charm. Natural fabric dyeing subverts the assumption that we are all consumers with an insatiable appetite for cheap, readily available products. In fact, it empowers us to stop being consumers all together. Perhaps we're moving into an era when re-dyeing, up-cycling, mending, embroidering, embellishing and editing our clothing until we love what we're wearing is more appropriate?
Then there's the contentious question of colour fastness. I have much more experience with pot-dyed rather than eco-printed textiles but with my limited knowledge of the latter I have found that the colours aren't as strong and fade more rapidly but does the permanence of colour even matter? Why are we so obsessed with permanence anyway? Is there a different beauty to be appreciated as a textile fades and more fun to be had in re-dyeing?
My results still looked like they had been exhumed but having seen India's beautiful work, I realised proficiency in the eco-printing craft might take years of learning to develop a relationship with the idiosyncrasies of plants and what if beauty is not just about aesthetics but about the provenance of your cloth? The things we love become beautiful so the scarves and bag I made hold a special place in my heart due to the time I spent walking alone by the river, sitting silently embroidering with the other ladies on the workshop and experiencing the thrilling anticipation of unbundling my cooked fabric.
During my MA in 2013, I wrote about the effects of meditation on creativity. Using myself as a guinea pig, I undertook an intensive daily meditation practice and noted that the work I produced during this time felt more authentic and enjoyable but looked less attractive (to my perhaps conditioned tastes). The process of creation became more important than the resulting product. Similarly, eco-printing challenges my need to make pretty things that other people will approve of; it challenges me to relinquish control.
What if we could all just get out of our own way and allow the creative process to work through us? That is real meditation; transcending the separating force of the controlling mind to fully unite with your surroundings, therefore more intimately relating to your materials.
That level of immersion in your art requires full commitment, passion and genius and India is a great example of this. She's an inspiring role model who lives and breathes her practice so whilst my results may not have been as beautiful as hers, I came away from the weekend feeling nourished by the whole experience. Less eye candy; more SOUL FOOD!
India Flint has a website and writes lovely posts on Facebook and Instagram - just search for 'Prophet of Bloom'.
Written by Justine Aldersey-Williams December 1st 2015
50% Complete
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